So I should have had my site up and going 2-3 weeks ago. I've had a ton of reasons why but finally had to have a talk with myself this week, asking why i was procrastinating. And its because I'm scared. Scared of failing. Scared of being successful. Not feeling worthy. AAAGHHHH!!!!! Why??? I do it to myself. I don't need any critics in my life, I'm the worst one I could imagine. I'm wondering how many of you out there can identify. So no more excuses, i have to go to the shipping store Monday to get a handle on how much it will cost to ship these canvases, then i'm going live. I'm as ready as i'm going to get. Time to fly. Time to be worthy.
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New Arrivals
Daphne's blog
I'm putting my money where my mouth is! I'm not going to ask others to share if I won't do it myself so... here is the personal blog of Daphne Lynn Tapp Worlety. I do not write this blog because I think anyone should necessarily care what I have to say but rather with the wish that someone out there might identify or find a thought or circumstance that rings true in their own lives. To hopefully gain the realization that we are not as alone as we sometimes feel. Sometimes hearing an alternate viewpoint or way of thinking opens our minds to ideas and concepts that help us all grown as people, this is why therapy is so helpful. So here's some free therapy! LOL Use it as you will.
Me and my husband Chuck
What's YOUR word? Your story? Your truth?
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You're amazing--and beyond worthy! What an extraordinary thing you've created, from the artwork to the website to the forums. It's time to FLY.......